Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How I started running

I started running in 2002 at age 49 when we adopted our shepherd/husky mix, Tory.  He was a one year old  bundle of energy back then.  I was a 195 lb couch potato (or is it potatoe?).  To burn off his energy, I'd take him through walks in our hilly neighborhood in Chapel Hill.  He would pull so hard that I would have to run a little bit to keep up.  Alpha dog!  After a short time running, like a minute, I'd have to start walking again.  Our walks were a one mile loop.  We did this everyday because he had this stare in the morning which said "let's go!"  without a word spoken barked.  This routine started a pattern of getting up, feeding the dog and heading out the door.... every day!  Looking back, this was critical to developing a healthy lifestyle.... a daily routine, rain or shine, heat or cold.

During our daily walks, Tory and I would run a bit longer at random times during our loop.  Eventually, it came to a point where we ran the entire one mile loop!  That was a huge milestone which, unknown at the time, led to the Marathon Dog. But that story is for a later date....

Tory in Couch Dog mode:

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